Sunday 13 November 2011

Causes Of Occultation of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

The occultation of His Eminence, the Master of the age (a.s) is a necessary thing and His Eminence is not needless of it. We shall discuss those factors that rendered it an absolute necessity.

1. Fear of tyrannical Abbaside regime

When Abbaside rulers gained power they initiated the worst of atrocities and tortures on the Holy Imams (a.s). Basically they considered the school of Ahle Bayt (a.s) and anyone who was their adherents to be eligible for extreme pressure and restrictions. They were thrown into horrible prisons and then put to death. Poets and historians have drawn a pathetic picture of the perilous circumstances suffered by the Alawite Sayyids.

Abu Ataa says:

Alas! If only the oppression of the Merwanids (Bani Umayyah) had returned and the justice of Abbasides were destroyed and thrown into the fire.

Dibil Khuzai says:

The oppression of Bani Abbas has covered everything and no one was secure from its oppression. If we regard the oppression of Bani Umayyah an expected fact, as they were enemies of Bani Hashim, how can we justify the oppression of Bani Abbas who were themselves from Bani Hashim

Major Occultation (Ghaibat Kubra) Of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

The major occultation began after the death of Ali bin Muhammad Samari in 328 A.H. and the point of referral and general deputyship of His Eminence, the Master of the Age (a.s) reached the great jurists. Throughout the period of the major occultation attention and written communications have come from His Eminence, to the prominent and knowledgeable Shia personalities. For example, that great personality sent a few letters to the great scholar and leader, Shaykh Mufeed from his side, which were received by Shaykh Mufeed, and we shall quote two of these letters in the coming posts. Similarly it has been proved by widely related reports that some pious and righteous Shia persons were blessed with the audience of His Eminence and its details shall be stated in the forthcoming posts.


A group of hypocrites and deviated people claimed that they were the deputies of the Awaited Imam (a.s). Their root cause was either jealousy with the honorable emissaries of His Eminence or they intended to usurp the monies dispatched by the Shias for the Imam (a.s). By way of examples we shall mention a few of such claimants below:

Minor Occultation (Ghaibat Sugra) Of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

There are two types occultation of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s), namely
  1. Minor Occulatation or Ghaibat-e-Sugra and
  2. Major Occulation or Ghaibat-e-Kubra
In this post we will look at Minor Occultation and Insha-Allah in the next post we will see about major occulation.

Occultation( Ghaibat) Of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

When Imam Hasan Askari became cognizant that his death and martyrdom was near he clearly announced the Imamate of His Eminence, Imam Mahdi (a.s) and he introduced him to his close confidants and reliable followers. Ahmad bin Ishaq Ashari, a trustworthy, pious and god-fearing man was one of these persons. It has come in narrations that he said: I went to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) and wanted to inquire about his successor. His Eminence, preceded me in the matter and said as follows:

“O Ahmad bin Ishaq! The Almighty Allah has not left the earth without a Divine Proof since the creation of Adam (a.s) and would not leave it without a Divine Proof till the hour shall be established (Day of Judgment). Through the Divine Proof calamities are repelled from the inhabitants of the Earth, rain falls and the bounties of the earth come out.”

After hearing these words Ahmad asked His Eminence: “Who is the Imam and Caliph after you” Imam Hasan Askari arose from his seat and hurried inside his house and returned after a short while in such a way that upon his neck on his shoulders sat a boy, whose face seemed to be like the full moon and it seemed that he was three years old. After that, His Eminence, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) said:

“O Ahmad! If you were not having a special and exalted position before Allah and the Proof of Allah, I would not have shown this son of mine to you. His name and patronymic is the same as that of the Messenger of Allah (a.s). He would fill the earth with justice and equity, as it would be fraught with injustice and oppressions. O Ahmad! In this community his example is like that of Khizr and Dhulqarnain. By Allah! He will have an occultation and none shall be safe from destruction but one whom Allah has kept steadfast in the belief of his Imam and given the divine opportunity (Tawfeeq) to pray for his reappearance.”
Ahmad immediately asked, “Is there any sign or symbol so that it may satisfy my heart ?”

Just then the boy, who looked like a full moon, began to speak and he said:

“I am the remnant of Allah on His earth and the revenge- taker from His enemies and do not demand proof after what is before you…”

After hearing these words of the Proof of Allah, Ahmad went out of the house of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) in such a condition that his complete being was surrounded by joy. When again he came to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) after that he said: “O son of Allah's Messenger! I was very much pleased with the favor you bestowed me that day. Thus what is the continuing practice of Khizr and Dhulqarnain ?”

His Eminence, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) said in reply,

“Prolonged occultation.”

Ahmad at once said, “O son of Allah's Messenger, would the occultation of the Promised Imam (a.s) be also prolonged ?”

His Eminence, Imam (a.s) replied,

“By my Lord! Yes, so much so, that even those who had accepted him, would turn away from their belief and none shall remain except one from whom Allah has taken the covenant of our guardianship and in whose hearts is rooted our love and those who support it with their hearts.

O Ahmad! This is the command of Allah and one of the divine secrets and one of the Unseen matters of Allah. So remember what I am telling you and keep it confidential and be of the thankful ones so that you may reside in the position of Illyeen with us.”

(Ref : Kamaluddin, Pg 216)

Praying For Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) - Doubts

(Ref : Mikyalul Makarim  Vol 1.)

Doubt 1:

It is possible some people may doubt that since the Imam of the Time is the medium of bounties reaching to the creatures, he is needless and self-sufficient of the people, on the basis of this what is the need of people to pray for him?

We shall reply to this doubt in the following manner :

  • Our prayers for Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) is like a humble gift of a lowly person to a man of great stature. There is no doubt that it indicates that this poor man is in need of the bestowals of that great man and it would be in keeping with the manner of slaves in relation to the masters. How aptly it is said:
On the Day of Eid an ant gave a present to Suleiman
A leg of a locust that it held in its mouth.
In its beautiful voice it said:
The gift is according to the status of the giver.