Saturday 26 October 2013

False Claimant of Representatives of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) - Abu Tahir Muhammad Ibne Ali Ibne Bilal (l.a.).

(Reference :  Behaarul Anwaar : Vol. 51, Ch :22)

One of them is Abu Tahir Muhammad Ibne Ali Ibne Bilal. His story and what happened between him and Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibne Uthman Amari,may Allah lighten his visage, is well-known. He seized the assets of the Imam, which were in his hands and refused to deliver them, and claimed that he is the representative. the congregation turned away from him and beseeched damnation for him and the famous letter came from the Master of the Age (a.s.).

False Claimant of Representatives of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) - Muhammad bin Nasir Numairi (l.a.)

(Reference : Behaarul Anwaar : Vol. 51, Ch: 22)

Says Ibne Nuh, Abu Nasr Hibatullah Ibne Muhammad said: Muhammad Ibne Nasir Numairi was from the companions of Abu Muhammad Hasan Ibne Ali (a.s.). And when Abu Muhammad was transferred to his eternal abode, Muhammad claimed the position of Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibne Uthman, that is, he claimed that he was the deputy of the Imam of the Age. He claimed “Babiyya,” that is, to be a gateway to the Imam. Allah disgraced and humiliated him through the blasphemy and ignorance, which he manifested, and through the curse of Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibne Uthman and his dislike and denunciation of him. He claimed this position after Shari.

False Claimant of Representatives of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) - Abu Muhammad Hasan Shari (l.a.)

(Reference : Behaarul Anwaar : Vol. 51)
Shaykhut Taifa says in Kitab Ghaibat :

The first one of them is the one known as Shari. A group of scholars narrated to us from Abu Muhammad Talakbari on the authority of Abu Ali Muhammad Ibne Himam, saying, Shari’s patronymic was Abu Muhammad. Harun said: I think his name was Hasan and he was from the companions of Abul Hasan Ali Ibne Muhammad and then after him from the companions of Hasan Ibne Ali.He is the first one who claimed a position that Allah did not assign to him and he was not qualified for it.

Appointed Representative / Emissary : Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibne Uthman (a.r.)

(Reference : Behaarul Anwaar Vol. 51)

When Abu Amr Uthman Ibne Saeed died, his son Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibne Uthman stood in his place, on the virtue of the clear instructions of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) and the instructions of his father about the time of the Qaim (a.s.).A group of scholars narrated to me on the authority of Abul Hasan Muhammad Ibne Ahmad Ibne Dawood Qummi and Ibne Qulawayh from Saad Ibne Abdullah, saying, the Veracious Shaykh Ahmad Ibne Ishaq Ibne Saad Ashari narrated to us, and then he mentions the account which we brought earlier.

A group of our scholars narrated to me from all of the eminent personages of Abul Qasim Ja’far Ibne Muhammad Ibne Qulawayh and Abu Ghalib Razi and Abu Muhammad Talakbari, who all narrate from Muhammad Ibne Yaqub Kulaini, who narrates from Muhammad Ibne Abdullah and Muhammad Ibne Yahya, who narrate from Abdullah Ibne Ja’far Himyari, saying, I and Shaykh Abu Amr were with Ahmad Ibne Ishaq Ashari Qummi. Ahmad Ibne Ishaq made a gesture to me to ask him about the successor. So, I asked him, “O Abu Amr, I want to ask you a question;however, I am not unsure about what I want to ask you, for my faith and my belief is that the earth does not remain without a Hujjah, unless it is forty days prior to Judgement day. 

Appointed Representative / Emissary : Uthman bin Saeed Amri(a.r.)

(Reference : Behaarul Anwaar Vol. 51)

The author says: Then Shaykh Tusi mentions some of the companions of the Imams, Divine bliss be for them, who have been praised. And then he says, Of the emissaries in the time of the minor occultation, who have been extolled, their first one is the person appointed by Abul Hasan Ali Ibne Muhammad Askari and his son Abu Muhammad Hasan Ibne Ali Ibne Muhammad, peace be with them all. He was the reliable scholar Abu Amr Uthman Ibne Saeed Amari and was from the tribe of Asad. He has been called Amari on the virtue of the narration of Abu Nasr Hibatullah Ibne MuhammadIbne Ahmad Katib Ibne binte Abi Ja’far Amari saying, He was from the Asad,and is known by his grandfather’s name and therefore, it is said Amari.