Saturday 7 September 2013

Meeting With Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) - Incident of Ismail Bin Hasan Harqali

(Reference : Najmuth Saquib Ch:7, Behaarul Anwaar Ch:23)

The accomplished scholar, Ali bin Isa Irbili says in Kashful Ghummah that: Some people informed me from my trusted friends that there was a person in Hilla known as Ismail bin  Hasan Harqali from a village known as Harqal, who died during my time, but whom I did not have a chance to meet.

His son Shamsuddin narrated to me that his father said that an abscess came up on his left thigh and became as big as a fist. This abscess was there for a long time and it particularly gave him severe during the spring season. He used to lose a it of blood through  He said that he wasn't able to properly offer his mandatory prayers because of the abscess. He worried so much about this that he went from village to the town of Hilla. There he met Sayyid Raizuddin Ibne Taoos, who was the most eminent scholar of the Shia during those days although he wasn't recognised as their Pontiff, only perhaps because he abstained from issuing edicts to the believers. Ismail Harqali met him and explained his problem.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Meeting with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) - The Incident of Deceptive Pomegranate

(Reference : Behaarul Anwaar Volume 52, Ch: 29)
Allamah Majlisi says: I heard from some reliable scholars that in the time of the British rule in Bahrain, they appointed a Sunni Muslim as governor despite the fact that the majority of the population was Shia. There was also a particular Sunni minister who was an enemy of the Shia. One day he brought a pomegranate to the governor. On the pomegranate,the names of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Imam Ali (a.s.) were found,together with the inscription that these were the four Rightful Caliphs of the Muslims.

“La Ilaaha Illa Allah, Mohammed Rasool Allah, Abu Bakr wa Omar wa Othman wa Ali Kholefa’a Allah”

Meeting with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) - Incident of Man from Qashan

Some natives of Najaf Ashraf narrated to me that a man of Qashan set out for Hajj and when he reached Najaf Ashraf, he was struck by a severe illness and his legs developed gangrene. His co-travelers left him in charge of a nice man who lived in a room of the school in the holy shrine courtyard and they continued their journey.The man used to lock him in the room everyday and leave in search for Durre Najaf stones in the desert.

One day that Qashani said to that man: I am fed up with this room, please take me out and make me sit somewhere and then you can go on your way.

Meeting with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) - The Incident of Tahyul Arz

(Reference Behaarul Anwaar : Voume 52, Ch. 29)

In our time was a noble and righteous personality by the name of Amir Ishaq Astarabadi. He had completed 40 Hajjs on foot. It was famous among the people that the earth used to fold up for him. One year he came to Isfahan. I went to him to ask him about the fame he had earned. He told me: “The cause of that honor is that one year when I was on my way to the Holy House of Allah, along with other pilgrims, and when we were at a distance of seven or nine stages from Mecca, I was, for some reason, left behind the caravan and soon they went out of my sight. I lost my way and overcome with thirst, I was about to die when I prayed:

Meeting with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) - 10th Century

(Reference : Behaarul Anwaar Volume 52, Ch:29)

Many people have narrated from Sayyid Amir Allam that he said : One night I was in the courtyard of shrine of Najaf Ashraf and the major part of the night had passed and I was strolling in the courtyard, when I noticed a person heading to the sepulcher. I stepped in his direction and when I came near him, I found he