
On this page you will find books related to Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) and a brief summary of it wherever possible. There will also be links to download these books if applicable.

Kamaaluddin Wa Tamaamun Ni'ma(Volume 1,Volume 2)

  • Author : Shaykh SaduqAbi Jafar Muhammed bin Ali bin al-Husain Babawahy Qummi

  • Brief Biography Of the Author :
The author is the venerable Shaykh Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali bin al-Hasan bin Babawahy commonly known as Sadooq. He was among the Shia scholars of the 4th century Hijri. He was also the chief of the clan, a minaret of truth and religion, a leader of his time and in general such a personality that no praise is sufficient to do justice with his actual status. The whole Muslim community is unanimous about his leadership and lofty status. He was born through the prayers of the Imam of the time (a.t.f.s.) and a written certificate was also issued by the Holy Imams (a.s.) in his favor: “He is a very righteous and blessed jurisprudent.” After this holy testimony whatever may be said or written about him will definitely be less than what befits his position. His bounties have surrounded all and his writings and books have benefited the scholars as well as
laymen. Each and every example of his knowledge and action testifies to his lofty stature and greatness. And one who undertakes a deep study of biographical books will conclude that Shaykh Sadooq, on the basis of his merits and intellectual excellence was the leader of all those who succeeded him. He is the standard bearer of jurisprudence, he is the leader of tradition scholars, the Imam of hadith narrators and a master of scholastic theology.

Shaykh Sadooq (q.s.) passed away in the year 381 A.H. He was aged seventy and odd years at that time. His magnificent tomb having a towering dome is built near the mausoleum of Abdul Azeem Hasani in the Rayy province. Many people visit the place seeking blessings and paying respects. This mausoleum was
first built by Fath Ali Shah Qachar in 1238 A.H. This was after the well known miracle that convinced the king, the queen and the courtiers. The details of this incident are mentioned in Raudhat of Khwansari, Qisasul Ulama of Tankabani,Tanqihul Maqaal of Mamaqani and Muntakhib at-Tawarikh of Khorasani.
Khwansari says: Among his miracles is one that was seen in the present age and which a large number of people with perception themselves witnessed and which people from far away places also saw is that the Shaykhs tomb which is situated in Rayy was damaged with heavy rains as a result of which there developed a crack. When renovation began and the gap was examined closely it was found that it led to an underground chamber in which the last remains of the Shaykh were placed. In this chamber, people saw an elegant dead body which was half covered but the private parts were not exposed. It was a huge body and the nails showed henna coloration and around the body lay twisted dusty threads of the shroud cloth. This news spread all over the city of Tehran and even reached Fath Ali Shah Qachar who was the great grandfather of Nasiruddin Shah. This happened around 1238 A.H. So the King, with perfectly good faith, decided to see for himself and he reached the tomb with an entourage of courtiers. Since the officers advised that King himself does not enter the burial chamber, he deputed some reliable persons to go down and report the facts to him. At last, the truth of the miracle was confirmed for him and he finally ordered that the crack be filled and the tomb be renovated in the most magnificent way. 

  • About the Book - Kamal Al-Deen wa Tamam Al-Ni-mah (Perfection Of Faith and Completion of Favor)

Shaykhul Fiqh, Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Musa bin Babawahy Qummi, the author of this book says (May Allah help him in His obedience): That which motivated me to write this book was that when I was honored by the visit (Ziarat) of Imam Ali Ibne Musa ar-Reza (a.s.) I returned to
Nishapur and stayed there. I realized that most of the Shia people who visited me were confused in the matter of occultation of the Twelfth Imam (a.s.) and doubts haunted them about His Eminence, the Qaim (a.s.). They had deviated from accepting the correct views and standards. So I began my endeavor to guide to truth and the right path with the help of traditional reports of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the Holy Imams (a.s.) till the time a learned and virtuous scholar from Bukhara came to visit us in Qom. I had always wanted to meet him due to his honesty, firm views and correctness of behavior. He was Shaykh Najmuddin
Abu Saeed Muhammad bin al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Ali bin Salt Qummi, may Allah continue his Taufeeq (good sense). My father and I used to narrate traditions on the authority of his grandfather, Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Ali bin Salt (q.s.) and spoke well of his knowledge and actions, piety, excellence and worship. Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa with all his excellence and greatness
used to narrate traditions from Abu Talib Abdullah Ibne Salt Qummi (r.a.) and Abdullah bib Salt remained here till he met Muhammad bin al-Hasan Saffar and related traditions from him. When the Almighty Allah enabled me to meet a gentleman of such an excellent family I thanked him for according me such a
cordial reception and sincere audience. One day he told me about his meeting with a great philosopher and logician of Bukhara and he also related to me one of his statements about His Eminence, the Qaim (a.s.) which had put him in confusion, perplexity and doubts with regard to the Holy Imam (a.s.) due to the
prolongation of his occultation and due to cutting off of news regarding him.Therefore, I explained to him some facts about His Eminence and quoted some traditions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the Holy Imams (a.s.) in connection with the Imam (a.s.). As a result of which that person got assurance and the
doubts and misgivings that had inflicted his mind were removed. He listened with full attention to all the authentic traditions that I related to him and accepted them from the depth of his heart. He petitioned me to write a book for him on this subject. I agreed to do so and promised him that when the Almighty Allah would facilitate my return to my hometown, Rayy, I will compile the relevant traditional
reports on this topic.

One night, when I drifted into sleep after thinking about my family, friends and the bounties that the Almighty Allah had bestowed on me, I dreamt that I was performing the circumambulation of the Holy Kaaba in Mecca and in the seventh round I was near the Black Stone (Hajar Aswad), and upon reaching it I was kissing it. I was saying that I had repaid my trust and fulfilled my covenant so that it might be a witness of this. At that moment I had the honor of seeing my master, the Master of the Age (a.s.) standing at the door of the Kaaba. My heart began to beat fast with excitement and he came to know my inner feelings which were reflected in the worried expression on my face. I saluted him and he replied to my salutation and then asked me: Why don’t you write a book regarding the occultation, so that your sadness and worries are removed? I said: O son of Allah’s Messenger, I have compiled a number of books about occultation. He said: Not in this style. I order you to compile a book on occultation and therein mention about the occultation of the prophets (peace be on them). After that, the Imam (a.s.) departed from there. When I woke up, I began to weep, supplicate and express my humility till dawn break. In the morning, in compliance with the commands of the Proof of Allah, I began the compilation of this book.

Mikyalul Makarim (Volume 1, Volume 2

  • Author : Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammed Taqi Musawi Isfahani(r.a)

  • About the Author :
The author was born in the year 1301 A.H in Isfahan and he passed away in the same town in 1348 A.H at the age of 47 years. In spite of such a brief life he has left behind a valuable treasure of knowledge which is having such perfection and excellence that it could only be as a result of his sincerity and devotion. He was in fact extremely devoted to the family of the Prophet, especially the Awaited Imam, al-Hujjat Ibnil Hasan al-Askari(a.t.f.s). He has penned down many treatises and books on the subject of the duties of the believers during the period of occultation and this book is considered to be the most important work in this subject.
  • Reason for Writing the Book :
The author says in his preface
“I began to think to think about writing a unique book which would contain those benefits [the secular and spiritual benefits of praying for the reappearance of His Eminence (Imam Mahdi) (a.t.f.s)] in a distinctive manner. However the events of time, the unfavourable circumstances and one calamity after another prevented me from this pursuit. Till the time I saw in my dream one whom I can neither describe by writing nor by speech, that is , My Master and beloved; the Imam foe whom I am waiting. I saw him telling me:
“Do write this book, and also its Arabic version and give it the title:
Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaaa Lil Qaaim.”
In this way I awoke from the dream eagerly and began to fulfil his command but I did not get continued Tawfeeq till the year 1330 A.H. when I travelled to Mecca. Because there was an epidemic of plaque, I made a vow to the Almighty Allah that if He saved me from that peril and conveyed me to my hometown safely I will begin the compilation of this book.
The Almighty Allah answered my prayers and I reached home safely just as He has always showered His blessings and favors on me. Thus I began to work on the book to fulfil the vow.
Now this book is like a ‘lofty garden, the fruits of which are near at hand: Wherein you shall not hear vain talk.’ ‘Therein flow springs(of knowledge and recognition);’ ‘And indeed, the hearing ears will hear it.’ ‘And I have made a seal foe this book in which there is neither intoxication nor drunkenness.’ ‘ The sealing of it is (with) musk; and for that let the aspirers aspire. And it is foe this reward that the workers must work.’
 (Please note  : The above words in bold are adapted from the translation of Quran from Surah Haqqah ,Ghasiyyah, Waqiyah, Mutaffifeen and Saffat).

Promised One In Quran

40 Ahadith On Awaited Saviour Of Humanity

Muntakhab Al-Asar ( Volume 1)

Fazailul Mahdi

The Last Luminary

Discussions Concerning Al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

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