Saturday 19 December 2015

An Ode to Imam Mahdi (at.f.s.) - Worth Pondering

Even if we pursue over the entire universe, we will not find a friend like Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) because:

We may not remember HIM but HE always remembers us

We may desert HIM but HE never forsakes us

We may oppress HIM a lot, but HE never stops granting favours upon us

We may not pray for HIM but HE keeps seeking goodness for us from Allah s.w.t

We may avoid HIM but HE is always attentive towards us

We may continue being a cause of anguish for HIM but he staves-off your angst

We may not be a reason for HIM to hold HIS head high but He becomes the medium of bringing honour and distinction to us

We may be negligent towards HIS state, but HE’s never negligent of our affairs

Although we may not recognize HIS entity and presence but He’s always at hand to help us regardless of where we are

If we avoid contacting HIM, He gives the message of getting together

Although we may not defend HIM but He will never leave us undefended

We may have broken HIS heart thousands of time but still, we will always find HIM ready to accept our apologies

We may repeatedly break the promises that we’ve made to him, but He never blocks the road that leads up to HIM

We may not be fond of HIM but He does like us.

 We may not be any good for Him but he’s the most trustworthy keeper of our secrets

We may not be of any help to HIM but He will always backs and supports us

If we’ve done a small service for Him, He will not hold back on showering HIS entire kindness and generosity over us

We may not have guarded HIS honour but still He shields and protects us

If we have not given HIM His due share from our wealth, He holds back our sustenance in the form of a loan

If we are an inept and a transgressive child He is a gracious and a compassionate father.

If we have not been a fair brother to HIM, He still adopts a brotherly attitude with us

If we have deserted HIM at a time when He was overtaken by calamities then still we will find HIM helping us out during our difficult times

He is in no way dependent on us. On the contrary we  are entirely dependent on HIM.

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